Publicise in a sentence as a verb

If so can we parse and publicise them?

Google generally don't publicise where their servers are or what they're for.

Please don't publicise this - Gawker already did enough damage.

It's something he's passionate about and the only reason he is in the newspaper is to publicise it.

Liquidity for creators, without which some wouldn't have the time and money needed to create and publicise their creation.

As the author points out, to whom and how much you want to publicise that identity is based on the reach and likelihood for abuse.

I have to admit I would love to see him publicise the lack of understanding she has in the Internet that she is working so hard to regulate..

I believe it is our duty as a community to publicise this discussion amongst web professionals and have a further chance to fight it.

Well, first we'd need to find a picture of you that made you look like you were from a culture that is currently hated/feared, then publicise that picture to show you are a member of that group.

So a lot of people accidentally publicise it on GitHub, and this facilitates exploits of some of the recent Rails vulnerabilities.

Especially, how do you put something up anonymously or pseudonymously, but still publicise and get a decent readership for it?

W12 applicants: remember, your participation in YC isn't something you necessarily want to publicise straight away.

Publicise definitions


call attention to; "Please don't advertise the fact that he has AIDS"

See also: advertise publicize advertize


make public; "She aired her opinions on welfare"

See also: publicize bare