Advertize in a sentence as a verb

What's the best way to advertize to KickStarter users though?

So does it mean google should advertize 'google winter of code' in australia?

I recently saw a company advertize their Red Herring award, and my scam-sense was tingling.

There's a lot of stuff it can do that the gimp pros don't advertize, or the instructions are linux only or just difficult to lock down.

And if this decrease is a trend?Competition from iAd and Bing Ads, smaller screens that are harder to advertize on, and so on.

For each venue you advertize on you have a fixed cost that is the cost of setting up and maintaining your ad campaign on that platform.

I understand but if a game is only linux compatible if you are using a stock dell w/o GPU running archlinux on a Tuesday when Mercury is in retrograde, there is a simple solution:Don't advertize it as being Linux compatible.

Maybe can do that work and get the additional revenue in the 18 months, but I'd have a tough time believing that could get a good team built -- advertize, interview, select, move, house bought, kids in school, spouse in a job, introduced in the office, familiar with the office procedures and tools, train, build team -- in 18 months.

I think this is a result of fear and marketing - if you have team leads, then you can still advertize a flat corporate structure, and startups are afraid to offer the management title because it means giving up control, which is a bit crazy - you'll give up 15% of your company for 100k, but not a bit of control to a manager who is just trying to do what he can for your company.

Advertize definitions


make publicity for; try to sell (a product); "The salesman is aggressively pushing the new computer model"; "The company is heavily advertizing their new laptops"

See also: advertise promote push


call attention to; "Please don't advertise the fact that he has AIDS"

See also: advertise publicize publicise