Advertise in a sentence as a verb

Go find a place where the people who will actually play your game hang out and then advertise there.

Yet plus accounts cannot be?Google does not need anyone's real name in order to track and advertise to them.

I may with luck convince my almost-girlfriend to peg me. :3But the important thing -- I don't advertise.

Google wants us to use their services because the better they understand us, the better they can advertise to us.

We can't use ad networks or exchanges, and what little direct inbound we get comes from small advertisers with low ad spend.

Which is precisely why we introduced the self-serve advertisements you mentioned, but only back in July 2013.

"If you advertise a position as requiring a certain set of skills, then ask prospective employees about those skills!

* "Unsafe version control", and then gives examples using -f or +, both of which advertise their destructive nature.

Online retailers can only use "authorised images" to advertise GoPro products?

Employers frequently advertise for highly specific skill sets that almost nobody has.

I think HN has a very low tolerance for ********, no matter what your background or situation is. If you had a tech co-founder, then parted ways with them before getting funding, then advertise yourself has being solo with no co-founder people are going to call you on it.

"Couching something in mainly competitive terms does not just advertise that it's competitive, it also hints that there's a sort of pissing contest atmosphere at work.

Please, for the love of counsel, do not use moments like these to advertise your service's viability for the distribution of copyrighted materials.

The reason that cryptographers laugh at people who advertise "military grade cryptography" or "we use AES256" is because the choice of crypto primitives is often less important than how they're composed.

I'm not a record-collector myself, but I'm guessing that there's a fair amount of them who are used to "digging" to find gems, as opposed to checking out ads/events on Facebook...antique collectors regularly scour the old-fashioned newspaper ads for garage sales because they know the type of old-fashioned people who might have undiscovered antiques are also the type to advertise in newspapers.

Advertise definitions


call attention to; "Please don't advertise the fact that he has AIDS"

See also: publicize advertize publicise


make publicity for; try to sell (a product); "The salesman is aggressively pushing the new computer model"; "The company is heavily advertizing their new laptops"

See also: advertize promote push