Pretentiousness in a sentence as a noun

You may not be aware of this but pretentiousness does turn a lot of people off.

It has all the pretentiousness, and none of the cultural value.

Yet I dare not wear one to work, lest I be accused of pretentiousness or trying to take over the business.

It's probably more of a joke than any pretentiousness...

Also, your game didn't spam people constantly to tweet their progress or have the high amount of pretentiousness.

I find this kind of response entertaining, because to me, your comments about it reek of pretentiousness.

If you succeed though, it not only makes you happier, it also seems to inoculate you against pretentiousness.

Where do I get in line for obtaining my free-with-vim pretentiousness and douchbagginess?

Mostly because I was reading Marissa's post in my head and this parody perfectly highlighted the pretentiousness of that post.

That said, it is a lot of fun to write, and its recent upswing in popularity is a very good thing, IMO, aside from the often pretentiousness of its users.

This is an example of the pretentiousness and snark directed at users that people complain about in open-source projects; especially Linux-related ones.

The downside of all this pretentiousness is that the world is as a whole less educated because the people who possess the knowledge and know-how refuse to accommodate their audiences with simple word changes such as this.

Pretentiousness definitions


lack of elegance as a consequence of being pompous and puffed up with vanity

See also: ostentation ostentatiousness pomposity pompousness puffiness splashiness inflation


the quality of being pretentious (behaving or speaking in such a manner as to create a false appearance of great importance or worth)

See also: pretension largeness