Reek in a sentence as a noun

Dial down your indignation, friend: help us get rid of this reek.

If they included 3, yeah, that would reek of shiftiness.

Think of it like someone being a closet alcoholic, but they always reek of beer regardless.

Severe bedbug infestations, as it turns out, reek of cilantro.

They consistently reek of misplaced indignation, and this one is no exception.

I am however getting a bit worried by Microsofts "me too"-attitude and the reek of desperation these days.

Reek in a sentence as a verb

I find this kind of response entertaining, because to me, your comments about it reek of pretentiousness.

Perhaps because it doesn't reek of Stallman's immaturity, or maybe because it is actually descriptive; I nonetheless find myself supporting it.

Especially since Slide's products all reek of buzzwords and are almost stereotypically Silicon Valley startup products.

Or because I really enjoy using it, I'm comfortable in it, and my products work?Blanket statements like yours reek of elitism and have no real value behind them, other than "this language sucks you should use this one".

Also, whiners who neither helped then and aren't stepping up to help now reek of entitlement: what right do they enjoy to Pollack's continued donation of time and money, just because he historically provided something the community liked?

If the problem is that the government is dominated by a few wealthy families and heavily-invested foreign corporations control the exports, how could it possibly be solved by creating an area that is dominated by a board of a few wealthy people and tries to attract heavy investment from foreign corporations?This doesn't "reek of" colonialism.

Reek definitions


a distinctive odor that is offensively unpleasant

See also: malodor malodour stench stink fetor foetor mephitis


have an element suggestive (of something); "his speeches smacked of racism"; "this passage smells of plagiarism"

See also: smack smell


smell badly and offensively; "The building reeks of smoke"

See also: stink


be wet with sweat or blood, as of one's face

See also: fume


give off smoke, fumes, warm vapour, steam, etc.; "Marshes reeking in the sun"