Pretension in a sentence as a noun

Monads have so little pretension these days, you'd think they were the salt of the earth.

The pretension in the bitcoin community is starting to really wear on me.

To be fair to the author, I don't think an article that starts with "A Hacker's..." and/or involves Emacs has a pretension to being a solution for normal people.

But for me, the reverse should also hold - you can't have a total lack of coherence or skill and just get by on a pretension of "edginess.

The grating thing is that they went out of their way to create a roadblock, even casting aside the pretension that logged-out means something.

I believe the proper Latin phrase, to evoke appropriate pretension and bravado, would be prima facie.

Uber is tanking dollars in VC and select-few founders pockets with false pretension of giving back to local economy. What about taxes on drivers' earning ?

It took me a lot of time to gain any kind of appreciation for classic literature; I would often at least publicly claim that it was all a nexus of empty pretension.

Rabid fanboyishness combined with pretension to some kind of superior aesthetic taste in how product announcements are handled shows that DF is reaching the point of self-parody.

What a fantastic example of false quantification and pretension to objectivity.

The percentage of art qua art that is ******** pretension simply used as a signalling device for an in-crowd of self-congratulatory people is not 100%.But it's also not 0%.Fortunately, I don't need to care.

Trying to fit in led me to form the terrible habit of never saying "I don't know".I've since met a number of genuinely smart people, and they are typically driven by curiosity and delight in learning, not pretension.

A depressed person is aware of happiness, of the fact that he or she right now should be happy because everybody else at the dinner table is laughing and having a great time, of the fact that he or she knows how to pretend happy and a great time while at the same time hating the pretension.

Pretension definitions


a false or unsupportable quality

See also: pretense pretence


the advancing of a claim; "his pretension to the crown"; "the town still puts forward pretensions as a famous resort"


the quality of being pretentious (behaving or speaking in such a manner as to create a false appearance of great importance or worth)

See also: pretentiousness largeness