Ostentation in a sentence as a noun

Buffett is conspicuous due to his legend, not due to his ostentation.

Over the next 45 seconds, as the sky continued its ostentation, I became less and less sure that it wasn't the case.

They share only size and a brutal ostentation intended only to say, "I have money, and taste be damned.

There is also a joy and inherent value to real craftsmanship that transcends shallow desires for ostentation.

Nothing wrong with that per se; diplomacy has been about impressing your counterpart with ostentation since time began.

Grant shunned ostentation, flamboyance, and even a commander’s uniform.

It's impossible for them to just present their arguments, cleanly, simply and without ostentation and vitriol.

The corporate jet for example isn't pure ostentation; if you fly enough, or at short notice, or between airfields that aren't well served, it might well be worth it.

Frank Lloyd-Wright was particularly bad about this, and that could be attributed to the fact he was usually designing for ostentation.

Did buildings that we now celebrate as being 'historical' look gaudy in their time?Say, a cathedral or similar with a bunch of non-functional ostentation?

It's about shedding your social identities, not heaping ostentation upon more ostentation.

So for instance, someone walking down the street and slipping on a banana isn't funny, but if the person was walking with great dignity/purpose/ostentation, some sort of VIP, then it's funny.

The stereotype has always been that you can tell the nouveau riche by the sheer volume of gaudy "luxury" goods they drape themselves in, while old money prefers pedigree to ostentation.

If you think HN comments are anything more than Reddit comments dressed up in ostentation then you would be well-served by paying more careful attention to the actual content of what you read in the future.

Sounds like entitlement hate of us vs. them that don't subscribe to consumerism in order to rationalize staying on the treadmill of unnecessary ostentation because "what your friends think?

Works that would have been considered unfinished in the Classical era were appreciated in later periods for representing pure figures without the need for ostentation.

It belongs to the aesthetics of excess, over decoration, big European cathedrals, ostentation, Michelangelo and Handel.

Ostentation definitions


a gaudy outward display

See also: fanfare flash


lack of elegance as a consequence of being pompous and puffed up with vanity

See also: ostentatiousness pomposity pompousness pretentiousness puffiness splashiness inflation


pretentious or showy or vulgar display