Presumptuousness in a sentence as a noun

I'm sorry, and forgive my presumptuousness, but...did you title this Ask Reddit?

But at least it doesn't present the air of presumptuousness and arrogance that just blasting into "oh, do this" and "oh, do that" does.

I think the complaint is about the presumptuousness of the title of the post, not so much the obviousness of the content.

Pardon my presumptuousness in answering for someone else.

It may also be worthy to note that this reply was compelled by the presumptuousness with which my intelligence was addressed.

First, lol at the presumptuousness of "objectively" when talking about subjective things.

That is quite presumptuousness of you to say that because your language naturally suggests you are telling me something I don't already know.

Focused on sharing to Google+, and advertising, and all the unnecessary crapToo much presumptuousness.

The headline of this article is a nice outline of the obnoxious presumptuousness pervasive in the marketing industry that got me to leave it.

There has been a lot of commentary on Reddit about this author's presumptuousness in posting the video showing how to crack this lock behind a password-protected site.

Laughing at my presumptuousness, laughing at my premature optimization.

What does 'dynamical' mean?>"A combination of nearly unbounded public funds, a definite impunity and presumptuousness, and a solid position to feed the monster of the military industrial complex has led to a situation where their actions seem to be directly opposed with what would benefit the average citizen, of either their respective countries or the world.

Presumptuousness definitions


audacious (even arrogant) behavior that you have no right to; "he despised them for their presumptuousness"

See also: presumption effrontery assumption