Presumption in a sentence as a noun

You can either hide some of your content as a proof that it's not link spam, or have us hide even more on presumption that it is.

It's a ******* giant presumption to ask for that just so my friends can read something I wrote and wanted to share with them.

His presumption here is that if the United States changes its behavior, that terrorist attacks will then cease.

But in this case, I think the presumption that it takes much less time to file good bug reports than to find workarounds must be challenged, or the situation isn't going to improve.

But we rarely see the many possibilities a choice can yield, let alone the probable weightings of each one. Even granted the great presumption that everyone should be perfectly rational, it still depends on perfect information.

The first presumption is that a taxpayer who, in the aggregate, spends more than 9 months of a taxable year in California will be presumed to be a California resident.

In fact, even under the presumption that intimidation occurs, you are admitting to happily screwing over other students who would have been happy to take the test, but for the intimidation.

But that didn't solve it for everybody; another person just now commented:I wanted to read, but I got this thing saying I need to approve an app called Quora - an app which "may post on my behalf" - which seems like a rather large presumption for an app to take.

In determining residency, California law provides two presumptions.

He's clearly been going about this the proper white-hat way and ensuring holes are patched before open disclosure... what's there to lose?On the **** side, you could go about doing what you're doing under the presumption nobody is maliciously targeting your user base.

"Switzerland's ridiculous privacy laws"You mean those "ridiculous" kind of laws where peoples privacy is protected against media-exploitation during that equally ridiculous "presumption of innocence" bit that is part of due process?Those silly Swiss, not to allow mere allegations to destroy peoples lives.

"Which is to say, if I hear someone apologizing for the weather, one likely presumption would be that they're just assuming fault as a matter of etiquette, or some latent self-hating tendency... but another, more interesting, possibility is that they're apologizing for not having gotten around to the step in their world domination plans where they build a global climate-regulation system yet. Because they would if they could, they will as soon as they can, and it's only their own laziness and ignorance of proper power/wealth/intelligence-bootstrapping methods preventing them from being there already.

Presumption definitions


an assumption that is taken for granted

See also: given precondition


(law) an inference of the truth of a fact from other facts proved or admitted or judicially noticed


audacious (even arrogant) behavior that you have no right to; "he despised them for their presumptuousness"

See also: presumptuousness effrontery assumption


a kind of discourtesy in the form of an act of presuming; "his presumption was intolerable"