Effrontery in a sentence as a noun

Pepe posters feel such effrontery is best met with loud, brash, insulting, and unstinting defiance.

I can't decide if titling it "Restoring Internet Freedom" is a perverse sense of humour or just blatant effrontery.

Then complain loudly and repeatedly that someone had the effrontery to attribute...

I don't take kindly to someone pulling an accusation of racism out of his *** because I had the effrontery to question him.

In view of the ideological truce, the conformism of the buyers and the effrontery of the producers who supply them prevail.

But it's quite another to become actively offended by the effrontery of a company demanding that you demonstrate the very skills they're hoping to hire you to apply on a daily basis!What are people worried about?

Effrontery definitions


audacious (even arrogant) behavior that you have no right to; "he despised them for their presumptuousness"

See also: presumption presumptuousness assumption