Impunity in a sentence as a noun

"Stay the **** out of other peoples code" is no better than "Act with impunity".

They can, literally, be killed with impunity … as long as the dash cam isn't running.

You'll be able to violate licenses with impunity.

I too have a hard time accepting that in our Enlightened Year of 2014, an individual is allowed to commit such brash thoughtcrime with impunity.

The righties note that government subsidized windmills **** protected eagles with impunity while Joe Sixpack would be deep in the **** if he even picked up a dead eagle from the side of the road.

Interestingly, China is much worse than the USA in this regard, and is a good example of what happens when big government owns a nation completely: a tiny aristocracy ruling with impunity over the poor masses.

Abroad, we undermine legitimate governments, invade countries illegally, assassinate people with drones, we torture, detain people indefinitely, commit war crimes - all with impunity from our own people, even after the atrocity has been exposed and there are no doubts about the facts involved.

Dictators can fly around the world with impunity but they'll contrive to ground the plane of a democratically elected president and search it, for some guy who published a bunch of powerpoint presentations?And they did all this... with all the consequences it's going to have and they didn't even get Snowden!

Impunity definitions


exemption from punishment or loss