Porn in a sentence as a noun

People go to watch porn sites to watch porn, not interact.

First it was about porn, now the naked power grab begins.

If only child porn laws were tailored that narrowly.

Old, offline porn is different in that it gets stale pretty quickly.

I guess Amateur porn just got a lot less anonymous.

It's onerous to require someone to justify their right to look at porn.

The way child porn is defined, I do not necessarily abhor it.

It should be strictly reserved for porn and other entertainment.

It's even more onerous to ask people to put their name on a list as someone who desires the ability to look at porn.

I won't post anonymously in case anyone wants to contact me. I came to the realization about 2 years that I am addicted to porn.

I think of it like porn: fine for adults, but not something I want my daughter exposed to until she can appreciate what it is.

In fact, porn addicts are not really addicted to porn, they're addicted to the chemical sensations that their brain provides.

Much like classic 'porn' reinforced a view of women as sexual objects, tech porn reinforces the myth that "just try harder and you'll be a billionaire!

'Freedom' in this case being a nebulous concept that translates on-the-ground into something like 'able to load up porn apps on your phone if you want to'.

Sure things are ****** up, but I sure would exit in a pretty shitty situation: things undone, house a mess, porn not properly deleted from the computer, finances not in order, etc.

[2]The obvious question, then, is this: Did the FBI use Sabu to entice Anons into attacking child porn networks, thereby evading the laws against them doing it themselves?

She gives such great, clear technical answers -- they can detect child porn by a combination of reverse image search analysis and manual checks, but they can't visually tell whether a movie or song is licensed to play.

In fact, now that I have learned about this, whenever I see a post on HN about how someone has lost their interest in programming or other activities, the first thing I think of is probably this person has a porn addiction.

You also get a "hit" of dopamine when there is a loud, surprising noise, and any number of similar situations. Including good, natural situations. Including normal sex. This doesn't mean that "your dopamine levels get out of whack".When you say that 'life just becomes more dull' and 'distracting yourself from negative emotions' it sounds like you are describing dysthymia or depression more than anything specific to porn.

Proper Noun Examples for Porn

I sympathize with why the mods changed the title from "Porn" to "Video", but now you've made it so that HN users are unwittingly clicking into an article that talks about porn, in such a way that could be detected by a workplace firewall.

Porn definitions


creative activity (writing or pictures or films etc.) of no literary or artistic value other than to stimulate sexual desire

See also: pornography porno erotica smut