Abhor in a sentence as a verb

Not only do we not want them, we abhor the thought.

Many of my local friends abhor the system as much as I do, but they have no choice.

The way child porn is defined, I do not necessarily abhor it.

I am a father and I abhor violence against children.

What does that have to do with startups?I abhor these empty advice posts based on a single data point.

What is almost inconsequential to us, we abhor.

Even Apple doesn't do it - Lion, iCloud & iOS5 were released in 'unfinished states', which Gruber claims to abhor.

" Correctness is my vade mecum, And straggling phrases I abhor, And yet I wondered, "What should he come Up from out of in under for?

What if I like the rest of my representative's opinions but abhor the TSA, how can that be expressed in a single vote?

I also abhor the idea of not paying people who work for me; I've never done that, and never would, even if unhappy with the work produced.

> There are some specific cases where it might make sense to do itLike when your client demands it and you give in?I've used pageflip in the past and grew to abhor it.

I abhor popups of any kind as it is, but to present the false choice that a user either [will subscribe to what you're offering] or [doesn't care about improving] makes me put on my "really?

I had not viewed the video before I made my first comment but after watching the video I'm impressed with your implementation and solid practical concepts, but I still abhor your Hoon syntax.

Is it one of those things where you know really that your worry is foolish but you can't help yourself, or is your entire brain telling you that you could be in trouble?I know that it's foolish, I know that the chances are infinitesimal, and I know it's biased and unsubstantiated and based on racial prejudices which I abhor.

Abhor definitions


find repugnant; "I loathe that man"; "She abhors cats"

See also: loathe abominate execrate