Erotica in a sentence as a noun

There's a lot of erotica on the Kindle store

****, one could argue that most art produced in the renaissance was erotica.

Women have their erotica, but it's more 'in your head' kind of stuff, than the visual market of porn for men.

But why is porn not a proper art form?I think we can all agree that erotica is a proper art form.

People would buy their porn phone online, just like they buy they porn, and their hookers, and their erotica from Amazon.

I assumed mistercow was talking about things like drawn erotica, not actual CP.

That's how 50 Shades of Gray got its start, and there's been underground sex and erotica content for decades online.

I wrote my own erotica as part of therapy in my twenties, while recovering from child sexual abuse.

Women often consume different erotica, which is less video/hardcore based.

And you could claim girls read more erotica and romance and watch more Disney, which one could also say skew social perspectives :PDestroying a generation though?

"Female erotica demonstrates how the detective agency operatesand how it differs from the much simpler male brain.

I don't think it's much of a stretch to suggest that "public consumption of heterosexual-male-targeted erotica" could have a similar effect.

... In contrast to men, both heterosexual and lesbian women tend to become sexually aroused by both male and female erotica, and, thus, have a bisexual arousal pattern.

I'm looking forward to a day when this can be properly automated, but, considering the ever-changing nature of erotica to begin with, I don't see that happening any time soon.

Perhaps watching that video would give you a different sense of the person than that NYT article about the person?I think you are right to argue that she's advocating for more of the variant of reality pornography which is a higher quality of amateur pornography, or for more erotica.

Erotica definitions


creative activity (writing or pictures or films etc.) of no literary or artistic value other than to stimulate sexual desire

See also: pornography porno porn smut