Persistence in a sentence as a noun

My point still stands, since guaranteed persistence is optional rather than the default.

It is extremely hard to tell when persistence turns into stupidity.

In fact, reading more of the docs points out that some drivers can call getLastError by default to ensure persistence.

I would suggest that when dealing with a large organization like Apple patience and persistence is the key.

But at a different level it instills respect for the ingenuity and persistence of humans.

So the OO perspective is that the objects are reality and the database is just the persistence mechanism.

This was simple journalistic persistence, entirely appropriate, and clearly she backed off "hunting a man down.

Consider the characteristics of the phosphor coating and the persistence time between refreshes.

None of them wanted to read this pile of **** but again persistence can substitute for quality and he eventually got some nice references and quotes.

Apps have used this to spruce up plain Ruby objects, and libraries like Mongoid have used this to make alternate persistence libraries feel like the ActiveRecord people know and love.

* ActiveModel makes it possible to use parts of ActiveRecord without using its SQL persistence layer.

Just as S-expressions can save you from defining a data model format, and files can save you from a custom key-value store, memory images as in Smalltalk could save you from having to deal with persistence.

Optional data persistence, needs huge amounts of RAM, complex application level code to deal with reports, this is all stuff that you can do better, faster and more reliable with a relational solution.

Google's market strategy is to use smarts & persistence to get into markets that nobody else can enter, and then hold them by holding onto the only talent that can produce a working system with products of that complexity.

Similarly, I'm assuming you still, despite the resentment, let The Expert tell you exactly what type of contact lenses you need.> What I love about computer programming is that basically all you need to be an expert on something is time, persistence, and an Internet connection.

Persistence definitions


the property of a continuous and connected period of time

See also: continuity


persistent determination

See also: doggedness perseverance persistency tenacity tenaciousness pertinacity


the act of persisting or persevering; continuing or repeating behavior; "his perseveration continued to the point where it was no longer appropriate"

See also: perseverance perseveration