Continuity in a sentence as a noun

However, there's a fair amount of continuity as well.

This takes time. It takes a lot of time. It spreads slowly, Money has continuity of value.

You liken it to h&m or Zara - but they offer continuity services - they do not trick their customers.

In key continuity schemes, when your browser is first introduced to a new website, you simply are insecure.

* The "first introduction" problem that key continuity suffers from is, in the SSL case, caused by the fact that the SSL cues in the browser are subtle.

Bad example code, horrific continuity, next to no editing, it had everything needed to be lumped in with the crappy tech books.

It's anathema to any kind of sense of community and continuity of identity.

Does consciousness require some form of continuity that's lost if you lower neural activity beyond a certain level?

You're basing your business continuity on a corporation creating a special 'free pass' for you every 3 years explicitly?

In this way, immortality and superhumanity can be achieved without loss of continuity.

Can you imagine that kind of continuity?The documentary Cave of Forgotten Dreams[2] presents the cave in a breathtaking detail, definitely worth a watch.

So, what was all that ******** about measures and absolute continuity all about?You try to implement an algorithm from the blog post, and, as you finish, one sentence from blog post catches your attention:Repeat steps 3-4.

"The court also opined that a state has a rational interest in neighborhood preservation, continuity and stability, and that Proposition 13's system of "locking in" lower tax assessments contributed to such preservation.

There's a reason why presidents seem to feature greater continuity than change, and part of that reason is that the responsibilities of the office don't change according to the president, rather the president must change in order to perform the responsibilities of the office.

I never could get into the main continuity, and stopped reading ultimate comics after ultimatum, honestly the only marvel narrative I care about now is the cinematic universe, they've completely ruined comics as a medium to tell marvel superhero stories, which is pretty sad.

C# is a far more progressive and interesting language than Java, but that's a philosophical difference between the gatekeepers of the two languages: Java intentionally moves slow for the sake of stability and continuity, C#'s minders have apparently embraced a little of the 'move fast break things' attitude of some parts of the open source world.

Continuity definitions


uninterrupted connection or union


a detailed script used in making a film in order to avoid discontinuities from shot to shot


the property of a continuous and connected period of time

See also: persistence