Perseverance in a sentence as a noun

Is perseverance a passé in business these days?

When you hear those billionaires claim that "perseverance" is the key to success - listen to them, they are telling you the truth.

They're really good at what they do and with some serious willpower and perseverance they can ascend to the tops of their professions.

And having the perseverance to hone your skills and produce successful games in your spare time, even if it takes years, is a good litmus test for that.

[1]Has anyone a better measurement for knowing when it is mediocrity and when it is perseverance?

The challenge for founders is that one of the most common traits ascribed to successful founders is perseverance and determination.

Like most other Americans, I can rattle off the many benefits of high-school sports: exercise, lessons in sportsmanship and perseverance, school spirit, and just plain fun.

Benioff could have found the eight developers he required from any thousands of other developers to implement what he had in mind, but there was only one person who had the vision, perseverance and balls to do what he did.

The amount of patience, perseverance and determination required to make this a successful venture is enormous, but add to that the ridicule and criticism of your peers and it must be extremely difficult.

Would you have the willpower and perseverance to stay committed and focused?Also, these are cool sites, infused with a lot of creativity and a refined aesthetic sense, but it's not as if she's claimed to have written an OS or compiler in 115 days.

It is just a question of doing the work, whereas by a problem, we mean a more intricate question for which at first one has probably no clue to how to approach it, but by perseverance and inspired effort one can transform it into a sequence of exercises.

You're embarrassed by a successful entrepreneur?Can you explain to me what is embarrassing to you?Is it the making money part?Is it the understanding a market and serving it part?Is it the education and knowledge sharing to better energize and expand the market part?Is it the persistence, perseverance and timing part?Is it the creation of a legion of folks who never would have participated had they not been given the encouragement and clear marketplace part?Is it the successful marketing part?Or is it some other part that I have failed to mention?

Perseverance definitions


persistent determination

See also: doggedness persistence persistency tenacity tenaciousness pertinacity


the act of persisting or persevering; continuing or repeating behavior; "his perseveration continued to the point where it was no longer appropriate"

See also: persistence perseveration