Optional in a sentence as an adjective

I mean, its not optional, its a core dependency.

My point still stands, since guaranteed persistence is optional rather than the default.

This might be called an "optional convertible" note and I remember doing many of these back in the day as a lawyer.

That's bad enough, without it being coupled to the fact that facebook is completely free and optional and no one is forcing you to use it.

It's not like this person forced their way into the trial--they were picked by the state at random, and oh by the way, jury duty is not optional.

Swift, Dart, Go, Rust to some extent, as well as the general trend of inferred types and optional type annotationsOr messaging formats:1.

Business validation is optional and doesn't enhance the transport-layer security benefits of using SSL.

It can lead to some confusion when specifying an expression as the default value\n for an optional function argument.\n\nAnything you specify as a default value is an expression.

RSA padding is not optional; Nate Lawson has argued for years that RSA "padding" should be renamed "armoring" for exactly this reason: because developers like those on your team assume that it is a minor detail.

Python supports optional function arguments and allows default values to be \n specified for any optional argument.\n\nNo, specifying a default is what causes an argument to be optional.

A few thoughts as someone who has developed games for iOS, Android, and the web:In today's world, if you want to retain implicit ownership of your product's name, a simultaneous triple-platform release is not optional, it is required.

It doesn't look like the API exposes any details about vtables, meaning you'd have to do it magically behind the scenes, which seems expensive?It looks like the authors may have been trying to maintain the concept of "optional fields" from Protobufs, where if you don't set an optional field, it takes zero bytes on the wire.

Optional definitions


possible but not necessary; left to personal choice