Multiply in a sentence as a verb

You're measuring things like "can this kid read English" and "can they multiply two numbers together.

Imagine the worst anxiety you have ever suffered and multiply this by ten.

To store an element, multiply the current table value by the element's value.

Someone plonking $1-300m in the table was, even though they'd likely multiply that amount significantly.

Multiply in a sentence as an adverb

"Take the nubmer of vehicles in the field, A, multiply by the probabilty rate of failure, B, multiply by the average ouf-of-court settlement, C.

Even if the overheads of any one function are modest, we build modern systems from a stack of many abstraction layers, and their overheads multiply.

* This will multiply users of the buses, and lead to frustration and long queue lines *Utilisation of public transportation increased by 15% since becoming free.

However, the FiveThirtyEight state-level probabilities are not fully independent, so you can't multiply them together to compute conditional probabilities.

Multiply definitions


combine by multiplication; "multiply 10 by 15"


combine or increase by multiplication; "He managed to multiply his profits"

See also: manifold


have young (animals) or reproduce (organisms); "pandas rarely breed in captivity"; "These bacteria reproduce"

See also: breed


have offspring or produce more individuals of a given animal or plant; "The Bible tells people to procreate"

See also: reproduce procreate


in several ways; in a multiple manner; "they were multiply checked for errors"