Procreate in a sentence as a verb

Our genes gives us drives to eat, procreate, survive, etc.

But for my own doodling or quick UI concepts at work I switched to procreate.

The selection is merely: who survives to procreate.

We generally sleep and procreate in private with select people.

Someone who is too old to procreate can still watch after young, pass knowledge on to them, etc., which increases their fitness.

They react to stimuli, survive in hostile environments, procreate.

Grinding an axe over people who choose to procreate without cognizance of your interpretation of Kant's metaphysics may also be construed as a form of vanity.

Accept it as an inevitability and develop skills that enable you to adapt, react & procreate in a multitude of diverse situations.

There is an alternative possibility: That the human need to dominate, procreate, etc. operates at a much lower level than the human intellect.

[5] Steve Jobs swore in court documents that he could not be Lisa's father because he was "sterile and infertile, and as a result thereof, did not have the physical capacity to procreate a child.

Along with his bizarre descriptions of a sexless utopia where all women are enslaved and forced to be artificially inseminated to procreate.

> Well, for starters, because to properly eliminate genetical diseases, you will eventually need to forbid carriers of undesirable genes to procreate.

Procreate definitions


have offspring or produce more individuals of a given animal or plant; "The Bible tells people to procreate"

See also: reproduce multiply