Queue in a sentence as a noun

" Results: 3 new projects at the top of my queue.

It can't, eg, send emails, but what you can do is use CouchDB as a queue.

Less than fortuitously, those 15 folks had 10 to 100 messages queued, each.

I ssh'ed in from the iPad, reverted my last commit, and restarted the queue workers.

For one thing, New Relic shows 0 time spent in the queue during the period in which I'm getting all these timeouts.

A comment queue seems like it'll move HN even further into that judgmental direction.

In fact no state changes can queue another rAF until all changes in the current cycle have been completely flushed.

Do you have any scheduled tasks that run during these times?Also, request queueing is nearly zero, so 50 dynos does seem like a lot.

A whole swarm of them grinding through a work queue in random order is great; using them as the backbone of your web presence will have pain points.

Queue in a sentence as a verb

Every music player could just lift Grooveshark's queueing system wholesale and everyone would be much happier.

Am I the only one that puts computationally intensive tasks into a queue to be taken care of by a pool of seperate processes?

Results from OCR are matched to the address database and if the match is significant, the mail is automatically diverted to the correct queue.

The game he's describing is of little concern to anyone other than HFT MMs and execution algos that depend on favorable queue position.

* This will multiply users of the buses, and lead to frustration and long queue lines *Utilisation of public transportation increased by 15% since becoming free.

The insight here is that in a system where customers are instantaneously and randomly assigned to one of R registers, each register should have the same queue characteristics and wait times as the system as a whole.

In the case of asylum seekers, they go from being 'asylum seekers' to 'boat people' because the thought of turning away people fleeing some war-torn hellhole to find a better life is harder than turning away a few people who decide one day to hop on a boat to 'jump the queue'.

This isn't the same as queueing, but the truth is that you rarely want blind background queueing of an indefinite number of messages that may or may not be delivered.> support for every bloody language anyone cares aboutJust like sockets.> huge communityI don't think you can get 'huger' than the community around sockets.> price tag of zeroSeeing as socket libraries ship with everything, does that mean they have a time/resource cost of less than zero?> mind-blowing performanceAlso, sockets.> protection from memory overflowsThis has essentially nothing to do with a networking library.

Queue definitions


a line of people or vehicles waiting for something


(information processing) an ordered list of tasks to be performed or messages to be transmitted


a braid of hair at the back of the head


form a queue, form a line, stand in line; "Customers lined up in front of the store"