Moneyed in a sentence as an adjective

PCs are now ****** in the moneyed mass market.

I can only hope that our government isn't so corrupted by those moneyed interests that this thing passes.

The tech community is the "moneyed interests" here.

Suddenly, the poor but honest technocrats running the country find themselves fighting a moneyed criminal class.

The greatest enemy of the USA on these IP issues is the powerful and moneyed insider lobbies that want to destroy our freedom for a few more dollars.

The internet has made it much harder for moneyed interests to dominate what people see. HN is a great example; I'll probably read 5x the words from commenters versus the original article, and much of it is contrary or probing.

"Hollywood" is also comprised of moneyed actors, musicians and artists that generally tend to lean to the left politically.

The truth is probably more like this--Congressmen are good people in general, but selected by their appeal to moneyed interests and influential political causes.

> invalidating software patents is an action that favours entrenched/moneyed interestsNot true.

In the cryptocurrency world, the moneyed are the creators, the miners and in the case of dogecoin, the creative-meme class who serve as a marketing arm. Many of them are in it for the lulz, and consequently have great upside with little downside, since it will always retain an intrinsic value as a karma proxy.

They can't take the draft agreement or portions thereof away with them.- The public -- as opposed to favored, moneyed private interests within said public -- has no access to the draft agreement nor any substantive part of the negotiations.

Fear, inertia, and moneyed interestes are arrayed strongly against legalization.

The economic reason to be a nation of laws instead of powerful men is that the more predictable the system is, the less deadweight losses go into making sure you don't run afoul of it. I worry that as the judicial system becomes more and more capricious and exploitable by moneyed interests, new market entrants without the funds for a huge battery of lawyers will not be new market entrants for long.

Watts' case illustrates a pattern that was to repeat itself endlessly: a moneyed inventor makes a minor modification to an existing design, and deploys his superior legal and financial resources to obtain a patent.

Now I wouldn't go so far as to write the movement off as an example of "democracy not working" or what have you, as the tea party had it's share of honest grassroots self-organization, but it isn't fair to say it developed independently from moneyed interests.

Libertarians find it ridiculous and innocent to think that moneyed people or corporations are not going to lobby, bribe, manipulate and otherwise take advantage of a political system that can arbitrarily create subsidies, trade barriers, zoning laws, etc.

Moneyed definitions


based on or arising from the possession of money or wealth; "moneyed interests"

See also: monied


having an abundant supply of money or possessions of value; "an affluent banker"; "a speculator flush with cash"; "not merely rich but loaded"; "moneyed aristocrats"; "wealthy corporations"

See also: affluent flush loaded wealthy