Monied in a sentence as an adjective

You may perceive that people will listen to you less because monied interests will drown out your voice.

You'd want to avoid the tyranny of the monied interests.

YC is a big monied interest, it's just one which happens to dovetail with the views of most HN readers.

Very few other well-monied companies are taking big moon-shot risks.

Getting the monied interests to shift their focus from one of incarceration to one of health shouldn't be this hard.

I would throw in the prison workers' unions as 'monied interests' even if their members are public employees.

Or is the only way to marry someone of the target country or have millions to get an investor/monied-type visa?

It's a government that is able to be easily captured by incumbent, monied interests.

Private prisons are a small minority of prisons even today, and were very uncommon in the 1980s and 1990s when the drug war really heated up. Blaming monied interests is a cop out here.

How the unions they belong to, made to counter the ultra-monied's inherent power, are "Killing Americaâ„¢.

From my own experiences, the most exclusive hackathons have been the larger, more monied, more applied-to ones that have more applicants than attendees.

Solution: upmarket shiny black sedans priced completely out of reach for everyone except the monied techno-elite.

Because it may be insignificant to the rural farmer; but valuable aagainst the urban lawyer seeking office, the corp exec or other heeled/monied power wielders...

Environmentalists have been incredibly successful considering there is very little money behind the movement, and that the people on the opposing side of the table are petro-chemical giants, each of which are 2-10x as large as the entire domestic media industry that tech people think are too monied to be overcome.

Monied definitions


based on or arising from the possession of money or wealth; "moneyed interests"

See also: moneyed