Mainly in a sentence as an adverb

The difference between us and East Germany is now mainly a matter of scale. But as Snowden showed, we were scaling up pretty ******* fast.

It all sounds like work, but mainly serves to insulate them from the harsh reality that nobody wants their product.

So in my mind the valid points you talk about are nothing but the authors own idea about mainly his own field which is history. In other words his own interpretation how ironic.

As an Icelander living abroad, talking about this topic mainly consists of telling people "actually, that's not what happened. ."

They ate mainly seasonal vegetables, considered a chicken or roast of meat a rare treat and often went to bed hungry. They bought new clothes or furniture only when their old ones were beyond repair.

Developer time is far to valuable to be wasted on mainly administrative side-tasks.

No, they were just used mainly for navigation. The reason why the Mercator projection was popular for so long is that its angles correspond to compass points and you navigate by a trivial algorithm: 1.

I haven't really been using Firefox all that much mainly due to how busy the interface is, so maybe leaning it out will make me a regular user again.

I saw a very beautiful algorithm that was mainly obscured in academic-ese. Some general thoughts looking back at my post two years later: * I drew every cell with a sheet of paper and a sharpie and then scanned everything in.

That's mainly why I come here, to peer into the collective unconcious of the californian ivy-league portfolio-owning hivemind. It's like a zoo but with tesla owners instead of chimps.

You were waiting for two hours mainly because you were so worried that you showed up outside my office at 11am, a full hour and a half before the beginning of the office hours. Expecting me to be always in my office, and at your disposal, is understandable from the point of view of an undergraduate.

That's probably how most people use their tablets — secondary devices, mainly for entertainment. After a working day, I don't want to use a PC, and the tablet lets me use the web and other media comfortably, but I wouldn't try to actually use it for work beyond initially planning projects.

These local coordination committees were most publicly visible by foreigners on the net, being prolific in uploading of media, mainly during Friday protests after prayer. These local orgs, mainly teens, found sites like bambuser.

But mainly, the title is provocative and misleading. The article clearly states, he was asked a leading question "asked whether giving the planet an internet connection is more important than finding a vaccination for malaria", and he answered.

The reason you chose instead to focus your lengthy comment on that one throwaway line is because it reinforces your preexisting view that unions are the main problem with education, even though this article is mainly about some of the other problems.

The same goes for most of the political changes we associate with modernity and progress - with the notable exception of Bevan and his peers, the people turning the wheels were mainly minor aristocrats in dusty tweed. A great many of the most significant changes were made contrary to public opinion, the most obvious being the abolition of the death penalty - a policy which most Britons still oppose.

Mainly definitions


for the most part; "he is mainly interested in butterflies"

See also: chiefly principally primarily