Megalomania in a sentence as a noun

I never realized quite the extent of the megalomania until I read a few of those.

It is a mixture of psychopathy and megalomania.

It was a bizarre idea, in step with the tone-deaf nature of Google's leadership which seems to exhibit traits of megalomania.

It's like the endearing megalomania of a child who honestly believes he'll grow up to single handedly end world hunger or cure cancer.

This is actually something I've considered quite a bit and I've come to realize that I think there's a certain amount of megalomania necessary to be a "primary decision maker".

Same complexity in characters, same vindication of the megalomania/resentment of the introvert male teenager reader, same cult following.

As an example, premature scaling should be very likely to happen to a "megalomaniac" entrepreneur who just overestimates his business idea's chance to succeed or its growth rate by far.

If megalomania is in place at that stage, one have to assume that it also was when the entrepreneur founded his business - by highly overestimating a **** idea who wouldn't have deserved to be turned into a business.

The term is so vague as to be utterly meaningless, and is usually a signal that we're really talking about someone's insecurities, their feelings of inadequacy, or their passive-aggressive megalomania.

Centrally planned economies go a step further though, it's not just deduplication it's forced personal uniformity to enable deduplication - and then that's probably a cover for megalomania.

If a company wants to lie about the background of their executives on the About Us page that is one thing, but to knowingly misrepresent information in legal documents is beyond the realm of megalomania and into the realm of legally fraudulent.

You need to understand the scope of surveillance, its primitive basis: Magical Combat should be differentiated from psychic attack,\n with which a large proportion of 'fringe' occultists concern themselves \n with, and is largely a product of self-delusion and varying degrees of \n megalomania.

Megalomania definitions


a psychological state characterized by delusions of grandeur