Principally in a sentence as an adverb

I'm not offended by the labels of sexism and ageism, principally because I think they have no merit. There're plenty of young women who could have done a great job in this interview; she is not one of them.

Other sites on the Internet have not been aggressively up-monetizing principally because they have less room to do so. Google has a cash cow and they've only really been working one or two of the squeezable portions, somewhat halfheartedly.

Sidenote: This is called "brand arbitrage" and it is very, very common in many affiliate spaces, principally because it works disgustingly well. The brand has already made the sale, the affiliate just needs to step in the middle of the purchasing funnel.

While I don't feel comfortable lynching someone based on contextually irrelevant beliefs, most of us see gay rights as an issue principally comparable to issues of slavery and suffrage. It's the denying of rights to "other people" for dubious reasons.

The biggest problem with all of this, and which I'm surprised no one else has mentioned, is that my Address Book isn't principally "personal data about me, which I wish to keep safe." It is "personal data about other, often more important people, who have entrusted me with the security of that data"!

It is, principally, about a new morphological feature that the researchers believe is tied more strongly to survival according to their computational model.

In this industry, I've provided incredible privilege, comfort, and stability for my family but have always felt that this industry principally serves those who are a part of it.

While there's some sign of very weak decoupling of energy and GDP growth, principally in Japan and the USA, for global GDP growth, there's a very strong relationship between GDP and energy usage, and both have been increasing. With limited exceptions, global per capita energy use has also been increasing.

All of my CEO friends are trying to get me to stop, principally because they are all tired of hearing "Ooh ooh ooh guess what a customer just asked me about how I broke her blue Googles?" If I were emotionally ready to stop, the first step would be writing a Google doc with instructions and four buckets of customer support inquiries, which represent ~80% of the emails I write.

This is not very surprising, because Jolla is a Finnish company principally made up of ex-Nokia engineers, including a lot of the people who created the N9 in the first place. Sailfish OS stays closer to Linux than Android, using Wayland, Qt/QML, PulseAudio etc, and adhering to the Linux Standard Base specification.

This, the Parallel Construction story, and the Patriot act having been principally used for the War on ***** than terror... has made me consider that the War on ***** may actually be more dangerous to Liberty than the war on terror.

In fact the aims of terror are principally to provoke a government to introduce repressive measures and lash out, and in the process, damage itself and its credibility with citizens. I think the aims of Bin Laden were probably to induce terror, fear, and paranoia in the US, and unfortunately they have succeeded, probably beyond their wildest dreams.

America has a very low bankruptcy rate, principally because it is treated as a social sin somewhere between notoriously cheating on one's spouse or doing something really dastardly like backstabbing a company by quitting it. If you go bankrupt, you will lose friends, and your employment opportunities will be circumscribed in a manner similar to being on a blacklist.

Principally definitions


for the most part; "he is mainly interested in butterflies"

See also: chiefly primarily mainly