Limit in a sentence as a noun

In all such cases, the law intervenes to limit private choices.

Did one of the founders ask this woman to take down or limit access to her blog post?

You can't discriminate based on race - that limits choice but who would support the contrary?

Until then, we've got a strong privacy policy in place and we limit the data we log.

We laughed at those who complained that django would hit the 30-second limit: "Its not a general hosting!

Because I learned the hard way. When working with my first mentor, I was always too quick to blame someone else for their limitations slowing progress.

That's a lot!Yeah, you can also store things like mail, documents, and backups on there too!Are those unlimited too?No, those have a max of 5GB.

"The problem is, while pg outwardly disapproved of our actions, we know he secretly loves founders that push the limits!

"You know what, though: the response function around the limit is not a smooth bell curve; it drops sharply below the x axis as you go past the peak.

Maybe there ought to be some limits in an urban context on absolute free space-letting if this creates nuisances or the like.

Limit in a sentence as a verb

Much better to loan a middle class American $8k out of a credit card limit of $20k at 12% with a 3% loss rate then to loan a poor person $100 with $110 due a week later.

The thought that some politician or bureaucrat should be able to dictate serious limits on that choice is repugnant to anyone who thinks that way.

"Trust us" is not a compelling requirement for doing business, nor can businesses limit themselves only to relying on service providers that they trust.

It did not limit itself to copying select portions for some discrete educational purpose but copied every work in its entirety.

And it has unlimited storage for App backups, iTunes store music, and iBooks, and a 5GB limit for documents, e-mail, and "other stuff", and a 30-day cache of all of the photos I've taken.

Because the law permits him to do so, he is effectively pre-screening what can come before a jury in the case and he has declared that he will put a tight limit on what is permissible.

When you're renting you're limited to very insignificant and inconsequential things, you can move around your sofas, have red plates instead of blue and get a new desk, but what sort of control is that?

" because the sky is the limit, but as an employee it's just "oh, today I'm going to work... my goals are x and I can't change that" and when the former was previously possible and is no longer an option it's very depressing.

Whatever it takes to be successful, whether that's hiring a speech coach, taking more classes at the university, learning etiquette, doing odd projects, finding a tutor, seeing a therapist, waking up at 6am to exercise... there is no limit.

And tech-inspired sales and distribution methods in this and a broad swath of other fields will mean that those seeking to limit consumer choice by protecting local turf through bureaucratic pull will be fighting what will ultimately prove to be a losing battle.

Limit definitions


the greatest possible degree of something; "what he did was beyond the bounds of acceptable behavior"; "to the limit of his ability"

See also: bound boundary


final or latest limiting point


as far as something can go


the boundary of a specific area

See also: demarcation


the mathematical value toward which a function goes as the independent variable approaches infinity


the greatest amount of something that is possible or allowed; "there are limits on the amount you can bet"; "it is growing rapidly with no limitation in sight"

See also: limitation


place limits on (extent or access); "restrict the use of this parking lot"; "limit the time you can spend with your friends"

See also: restrict restrain trammel bound confine throttle


restrict or confine, "I limit you to two visits to the pub a day"

See also: circumscribe confine


decide upon or fix definitely; "fix the variables"; "specify the parameters"

See also: specify determine define