Restrict in a sentence as a verb

> Shouldnt you be able to restrict how much disk space is being used?

DRM sucks and so do companies that would seek to restrict rights on how you can use your computer.

If you want to protect users from themselves and limit and restrict what they can do, write a mobile app.

"i have always been convinced that those who love code do not restrict their coding activities to their work.

You can also restrict the generated views to those taken within buildings, or within urban areas.

One summer in my childhood, my parents decided to severely restrict my siblings and I's access to the internet for unspecified reasons.

To greatly reduce the likelihood of this attack, you should restrict which endpoints on your domain are capable of participating in the OAuth flow.

The above comment also makes the assumption that instead of authority proving it has a need to restrict rights, individuals must prove they deserve freedoms.

Actively working to restrict the rights of a marginalized population goes beyond simply holding a personal belief.

Why is everyone assuming Apple's being evil here?Not that they're perfect by any means, but the pattern seems pretty clear: they start off with a restrictive situation, see how it works, and then adjust.

When the United States of America was born, it was the sole country that elected its leaders and had a constitution that was written specifically to restrict government.

From a post from Microsoft in 2011:First, in 2006 Google acquired YouTubeand since then it has put in place a growing number of technical measures to restrict competing search engines from properly accessing it for their search results.

> And now he's accusing these poor guys of "losing their souls".When you call up the victim and ask them to close down their blog because or restrict access because you don't want it to affect your round of funding, you're not "poor guys" anymore.

In fact, the apps could access nearly all of users' personal data data the apps didn't need.- Facebook told users they could restrict sharing of data to limited audiences for example with "Friends Only.

How can we look down on governments that have kept their country in a bogus "state of emergency" for decades to restrict rights, when the US is kept in a state of emergency to restrict rights via the "Patriot" Act for over a decade?

Would **** you off, right?If you want to restrict the games kids play or the sites they visit on their phones, that's probably for the better, be sure to inform them of the logical reasons such as the fact that game companies exploit human psychology to create addiction and many apps upload private information that could harm them later in life.

Restrict definitions


place restrictions on; "curtail drinking in school"

See also: curtail curb


place under restrictions; limit access to; "This substance is controlled"


place limits on (extent or access); "restrict the use of this parking lot"; "limit the time you can spend with your friends"

See also: restrain trammel limit bound confine throttle


make more specific; "qualify these remarks"

See also: qualify