Circumscribe in a sentence as a verb

But does the peg's circle circumscribe or inscribe the hole's square?Sorry, I couldn't resist.

If everything on the surface of the earth was constantly trying to circumscribe it, we'd have a lot more stuff colliding than we already do...

Who could imagine such a batch of soi-disant freethinkers, who all seem to feel the same need to carefully curate and circumscribe the thoughts they're willing to think?

"First, you can ask for power measured in "How completely does this language serve to articulate and circumscribe any thought which I might, as a human, want to have?".

Essentially you are arguing that the people should further circumscribe Individual rights like entering into a contract.

Often the impulse is to use regulation to circumscribe such damages, but in the case of the press, doing so has unconscionable consequences as well.

For me the key quote is “One of the trends that’s jumped out is that lockdown orders have tended to ratify public behaviour as much as prescribe or circumscribe it”.

It's up the desktop computational capacity scale where use cases aren't as elegant as the fairly easy to circumscribe NUC applications.

The impression I have is that we all, vegans included, draw a line somewhere, and that there's almost never any solid reasoning behind anyone's decision on how to circumscribe his diet.

As long as digital freedoms remain unlegislated, government will circumscribe ever-shrinking boundaries with and without the help of industry.

If it was developed by a state actor, peers can exert pressure and international law to circumscribe the potential for future harms, and the political processes internal to the state will become empowered to make internal changes to prevent harms to the people and the state such as result.

In advance of further discussion, my preliminary conclusion is that the vegan line is just as arbitrary as any other, but drawn so as to more tightly circumscribe those species on which the infliction of pain is acceptable, presumably out of a desire to inflict the least possible harm -- an honorable intent, but I think not honorable enough to satisfy at least some vegans, who insist upon seeing themselves as taking the only moral option, rather than merely the least practicable immoral option.

Circumscribe definitions


draw a line around; "He drew a circle around the points"


restrict or confine, "I limit you to two visits to the pub a day"

See also: limit confine


to draw a geometric figure around another figure so that the two are in contact but do not intersect