Define in a sentence as a verb

The author needs to define the word thrive.

" You get older, you learn that in this country we define that phrase based on the constitution.

You should define an enum if you want a function to return specific states.

You can define the agenda, you can get the right people, you can motivate them according to your style.

What used to be one simple input field is now a whole page with checkboxes you have to check and sub-objects you have to define.

While you should be who you are, if you only define yourself in how weird you are compared to others you're doing the same thing, only in reverse.

So, what happens when you get the runtime error and realize that bar is defined in another package you forgot to import.

Clojure supports 'declare' so you are not forced to define your functions in any particular order.#2 is the ***** in the details.

Most configuration management allows you to define classes/nodes/etc based on regular expressions.

Common Lisp allows references to undeclared and undefined things, and generates runtime errors should they not be defined by then.

"I take great offense to my culture being defined ..."Total straw man, he didn't define any culture as this, he noted that it's one characteristic of our culture.

He doesn't give any arguments, he throws a lot of insults, he misues words and makes up redundant terms which he then struggles to define.\nThe guy is a vile idiot of the worst kind: ignorant and aggressive.

They allow us to detect the underlying commonalities that define particular systems of teaching, commonalities that otherwise hide in the background.

It implies that you can define a macro and immediately have the compiler incorporate it in the compilation of the next form, or evaluate some small section of an otherwise broken file.

This also leads to other problems like heavy head wear because of the smart card contact, having to define avoidance areas because of the same and jamming issues with the added complexity of using the card flipper.

Let HR take all the tedious tasks of hiring from the developers, such as all the legalese, handling employee benefits, sick reports and all associated paperwork, but do not let them define the flow of a hiring process.

But in a Europe coming out of feudalism where they were trying to define national loyalties and borders, worried about losing territory to the neighboring country, worried about all sorts of things that look foolish from a modern perspective, well, if Jews weren't going to care if they were Polish or Russian, that was a huge problem.

To their credit everyone was very supportive of my passion but in the end the company gets to decide what they are going to do with your work product, and I could not get Sun Labs to sponsor my secure version of Java and while I felt e-commerce was going to define the killer App, realistically in 1995 I was about 7 years too early to that particular party.

You also know that if you tried to express the concept defined in a previous sentence, but without using names for measures involved, and a notation for a value a measure assigns to some set, the sentence would come out awkward and complicated, because you would have to say that a measure is absolutely continuous with respect to some other measure, if whenever that other measure assigns a zero value to some set, the value assigned to that set by the first measure must be zero as well.

Define definitions


determine the essential quality of

See also: specify delineate delimit delimitate


give a definition for the meaning of a word; "Define `sadness'"


determine the nature of; "What defines a good wine?"


show the form or outline of; "The tree was clearly defined by the light"; "The camera could define the smallest object"

See also: delineate


decide upon or fix definitely; "fix the variables"; "specify the parameters"

See also: specify determine limit