Empathy in a sentence as a noun

What's missing is the slightest shred of empathy for them.

Use your empathy, put yourself in their shoes, rather than just writing what you think looks cool.

I don't know what it is that often makes successful people seem to lack basic empathy.

Most striking and appalling is the lack of common sense and basic empathy throughout this whole ordeal.

That passes as professionalism and empathy at Joyent?

You don't end up humanising the debate around how these situations are handled, so people show less empathy towards the situation.

But it's an extremely valuable use of those resources to highlight the broader issues at play and put some human empathy, so often sorely missing, back in to the debate.

From an interpersonal standpoint, they are noted to be harsh, hostile, manipulative, lacking in empathy, cold-hearted, and abrasive to those they deem to be their inferiors.

Who wouldn't be envious of such incredible, valuable, and morally-neutral abilities as he described them?I've read the letter several times over, and I'm still amazed at how effective it is at garnering empathy from the reader and cultivating a sense that the author is an impressive individual who has triumphed over adversity after a great struggle.

Empathy definitions


understanding and entering into another's feelings