Impropriety in a sentence as a noun

And here he's done that by avoiding any hint of impropriety.

No evidence of any impropriety, no charges were filed, nothing.

Hard to see how this passed anybody's internal alarm that warns them of impropriety and conflict of interest.

Any judge in possession of their mental faculties should think twice before creating the appearance of impropriety.

What if the contractor intentionally emailed the file to an external address because they had found out some kind of management impropriety.

His business practices are completely irrelevant to the questions of impropriety raised and the illegal conduct of the authorities involved.

You may want to ensure that your Stack Exchange values are being consistently enforced to avoid the appearance of impropriety, as the policies seem to be quite severe to me given the actions here.

Suspicion of impropriety heightens concern, probably due to self-preservation instincts.

Its an established precedent that anyone accused of any sexual impropriety - from harassment to assault and worse, is prima facie guilty, deserves no presumption of innocence, and should be punished immediately.

"A journalist subsequently interviewed Mr. Xie via telephone and he owned up everything"I wonder if he owned up to the impropriety of using your official position to reimburse your mistress for things she bought for herself.

Someone you don't trust implicitly is more likely to seem suspicious to you if there's a claim of impropriety that can't immediately be explained away by any other currently-available information.

I know very little about stock market strategy, but presumably this is the most effective way to divest without flooding the market, shocking the market, sending signals, prompting investigations of financial impropriety, etc.

The Republican party in the US has been particularly bad about not accepting responsibility for mistakes, wrong-doings, or inconsistencies: they present a disciplined, consistent defense of any accusation of impropriety.

Impropriety definitions


an improper demeanor

See also: improperness


the condition of being improper


an indecent or improper act

See also: indecency


an act of undue intimacy

See also: familiarity indecorum liberty