Locale in a sentence as a noun

But, why should the locale change the way PHP code is interpreted?

I have a locale rule that puts my phone into airplane mode during the hours I'm normally asleep.

As a bonus it doesn't mention what timezone they are in. Also, I'm pretty sure my locale doesn't use 12h format.

Errno is thread locale in most modern implementations

The companies tried to strike a balance between "We want to pay them equitably with our employees in high-cost US locales.

Testing the Russian locale might be a scary proposition, but certainly not for this specific reason.

Dealing with time on Go, whether simply unmarshalling string representations of time or handling timezone/locale converstions, is so incredibly convenient.

You can call this an error or not, but with C locale your cmdline will die with UnicodeErrors when you open a non existing file with unicode filename on Python 3 but not so on Python 2 where it will do the correct thing.

Locale definitions


the scene of any event or action (especially the place of a meeting)

See also: venue locus