Idolatry in a sentence as a noun

I think it is idolatry at its core, self-worship.

I think that your idolatry of the NSA is unwarranted.

Not to derail this, but there is a lot of idolatry surrounding Lincoln that he doesn't deserve.

Yes seriously, what is with the YC alum idolatry?

I need skeptical feedback, not hatred and not idolatry.

The essence of what the prophets call "idolatry" is not that man worships many gods instead of only one.

It smells a bit too much like materialism for me, just as icons smell a bit too much like idolatry.

It's like protecting them from idolatry or hereticism, at this point.

It appears to me as if people a getting past the "idolatry", and sarting to fully grasp Google's grip on today's IT realm, with all it's bad sides.

Listing accomplishments paired with fawning and idolatry is cultish.

Seems a shame to wipe out a hefty chunk of a nature preserve simply to satisfy a corporation's desire for self-idolatry.

I have, on more than one occasion heard protestants describe various aspects of Catholicism as witchcraft and idolatry.

I can't explain why Western Christianity incorporates such symbols in some instances and would consider them "pagan idolatry" in others.

Rather, the democratization of the media that I idealized in my youth when it was just a distant, blurry dream, suddenly seems much less worthy of idolatry now that its become a stark reality.

This is like a devoted Christian employee leaving Microsoft because Satya Nadella is a polytheist pagan and has been donating his money to institutions that support paganism and idolatry.

Idolatry definitions


religious zeal; the willingness to serve God

See also: devotion veneration cultism


the worship of idols; the worship of images that are not God