Materialism in a sentence as a noun

It smells a bit too much like materialism for me, just as icons smell a bit too much like idolatry.

I was sort of with you until this:> What's wrong with understanding flatware?This is exactly the thinking the supports rampant materialism.

A lot of anti materialism propaganda started way before that: AdBusters, Culture Jam and lots of other films that were even main stream.

She said that it was only 30% of the female population that engaged in all this materialism/superficialism, and that left 70% of the females that didn't care about it.

But it still seems quite different than "materialism," and I imagine that any negative personal consequences would be different, too.

However it does seem to shatter the myth that "people are happy about their lives in poor countries", which is the rhetoric we tend to hear every time someone wants to make a case against materialism in developed world.

Indeed, any attempt to search for the causes of microphenomena is met with scorn and a charge of professional incompetence and "obsolete mechanistic materialism.

Bi-polar?To me, the most insightful anecdote was:> 'Our consumer desires are unhealthy, he told her, and to attain enlightenment you need to develop a life of nonattachment and non-materialism.

The puzzle of evading materialism is that it seems to infest everything.>because you have such relentless resourcefulness, determination, and physical and mental healthAnd what if you don't?

His real error is materialism: man, in fact, is not merely the product of economic conditions, and it is not possible to redeem him purely from the outside by creating a favourable economic environment.

Brain injury's effect on subjective experience and behaviour suggests to me that pure mechanism is important to experience, which is why materialism is my 'default hypothesis'.If you want to ask hard questions, then go back and look at your assertions.

Mislabeled by some detractors as socialist or radical in the Marxist tradition, San Francisco’s progressivism is concerned with consumption more than production, residence more than workplace, meaning more than materialism, community empowerment more than class struggle.

Materialism definitions


a desire for wealth and material possessions with little interest in ethical or spiritual matters

See also: philistinism


(philosophy) the philosophical theory that matter is the only reality

See also: physicalism