Cultism in a sentence as a noun

These sorts of articles always smack of cargo cultism.

People get by because the perhaps even more disturbing fact is that cargo cultism often actually works in practice.

But by then if I've watched the cargo cultism long enough I can be pretty sure that's what I'm seeing, and I stop giving the benefit of the doubt.

Some people want to die - depression, religion, cultism, or just plain ignorance - and some have apparently decided when.

Instead it attracts a gaggle of me-too-ers who apply cargo cultism to ape the successful companies.

People who are successful by accident sometimes develop a tendency to preach that the only way to be successful is to do what they did. It's almost like a kind of auto-cargo-cultism.

I call it cargo cultism because these people superficially know security buzz-concepts but do not understand them deeply.

I'd believe you if the folks I'm recalling had a good track record of having built successful businesses, or if their thinking struck me as... well... thinking, rather than cargo cultism.

Implementing even more changes, merely for the sake of having a capital-A "Agile" designation, just sounds like cargo cultism.

It's important, but there is also a cargo cultism of asking questions in this certain way that is imitated in form only from how people envision google demands their engineers.

Cargo-cultism is the duplication of the appearance of functioning systems or structures in a context where they are nonfunctional or incorrectly functional.

Considering there's an entire academic discipline of programming theory I strongly disagree with the description of language design as "cargo-cultism".

Cultism definitions


devotion to the doctrine or a cult or to the practices of a cult


religious zeal; the willingness to serve God

See also: idolatry devotion veneration