Graceless in a sentence as an adjective

What do you mean exactly by "graceless" here?

For all languages X, writing X in X is important, but Go is really graceless if you don't learn how.

3. If a subresource fails SRI there's no fallback other than simply not loading it, so it has a very graceless failure mode.

Even so, many people choose to travel even slower than allowed by graceless statute.

These are not hideous fonts, but I find them somewhat graceless and unappealing.

Further, it is incredibly graceless to bang on about how terrible your chosen field is.

What is this baseless and graceless intellectual bravado?

Old dogs can be cloudy-eyed and grouchy, gray of muzzle, graceless of gait, odd of habit, hard of hearing, pimply, wheezy, lazy, and lumpy.

I haven’t touched macOS/iOS development in a while, but I feel Objective-C has a certain graceless charm which just isn’t there in Swift.

To shard this thing, you have to override the find method, as well as any update methods, and you will end up a graceless patch on top of ActiveRecord.

Clearly, graceless barbarians and children cannot be afforded the luxury of a sturdy table, then.

It's disrespectful to the community, ill-mannered, and utterly graceless, but I find it hard to call it malicious.

" etc was exaggerated for rhetorical effect, and not what it seemed - having no clue why someone might call it 'a jerk move', or feel it was unfair/rude/graceless/exploitative etc.

If you take off your "suspicious" glasses and think about it for a minute, you will realize that not saying please and thank you does not make you socially graceless in any absolute sense.

You can call the OOM killer dubious, graceless, or any number of other things, but it gets the system responsive again without doing as much damage as the human intervention that's otherwise required.

It isn't fair if you're born poor or graceless or self-centered or too fat or too thin or with ugly features or bad skin or a gut that produces too much gas or with an inclination to be cruel and so on ad infinitum.

I'm reminded of a certain kind of irony I've faced multiple times in my life: people who think they are more "socially intelligent" than I finding the most awkward and graceless way of telling me they think I'm not as skilled at being comfortable and graceful as themselves.

Graceless definitions


lacking graciousness; "a totally graceless hostess"

See also: unpleasing


lacking grace; clumsy; "a graceless production of the play"; "his stature low...his bearing ungraceful"- Sir Walter Scott

See also: ungraceful


lacking social polish; "too gauche to leave the room when the conversation became intimate"; "their excellent manners always made me feel gauche"

See also: gauche unpolished