Pointillism in a sentence as a noun

That's a good point, and in any case pixel art is not that far from pointillism or other mosaic-based artforms.

He wants to do pointillism, not achieve a pointillism-like effect on a regular painting.

Examples that come to mind include pixel art, sonnets, pointillism, and origami.

What if this man spend time building a Photoshop filter and starting applying the "pointillism" filter to random images. What if he wrote a script scraped the web, applied the filter and then published it out in his image archive.

I like it for the same reason people like pointillism or [insert art style here]. A lot of interesting art, music, and creativity in general stems from self-imposed arbitrary constraints.

Imagine if AI had invented pointillism, impressionism, cubism, etc! Imagine if it figures out the next "global optimum" from putting splotches of paint down, showing human artists a new way to see.

I've always been interested in computer generated art, so I built a web app to generate pointillism art from a source image. It's my first website I've ever made from scratch and not particularly useful, but it's entertaining.

It would have been bizarre to complain about how pointillism in art lacked fundamental theory when artists first embraced it. If people want to play around with a new approach to computing and spend some money doing so, I don't think having them sit down and prove theorems about optimal data structures is strictly necessary.

> Renaissance, impressionism, pointillism, abstract expressionism, realism, etc, were all micro-steps part of the same bigger effort: representing the reality for what it is. > So, we needed a radically new thing.

Just as cubism, pointillism, impressionism are revolutions in painting. The difference is, that in a scientific revolution, a new idea completely supplants its predecessors.

His point about code fashion is also equally valid, what Seurat did with pointillism is impressive, printing a picture on on your inkjet is not, even though what Seurat did is essentially the same thing. Coming from an imperative background writing in a functional style has risk, coming from a functional background imperative style has risk.

The thing that struck me, and also had me saying "of course" while watching the credits for Wall-E was the animation showing a timeline as it were, of different painting styles from cave wall art through to Van Gogh, pointillism, etc. It is clear that Pixar has people who have a longer perspective and deeper understanding when it comes to art.

Pointillism definitions


a school of painters who used a technique of painting with tiny dots of pure colors that would blend in the viewer's eye; developed by Georges Seurat and his followers late in 19th century France


a genre of painting characterized by the application of paint in dots and small strokes; developed by Georges Seurat and his followers in late 19th century France