Irony in a sentence as a noun

"There is so much irony in this statement.

We discussed the irony, more than once, one of his aides said.

> Are people really not bothered at the irony in this sentence?

The irony is that this is still going on at Google, and presumably everywhere else in the industry as well.

"The law is still the law, and we must follow it whether we like it or not."The irony of Putin saying this cannot be understated.

This is the great irony of a free market: that it includes the creation of closed, private markets which are decidedly un-free.

"Thus the irony that groups have never successfully lived without one for any measurable period of time.

This talk of "right-brain" revolution has become so popular that no one even realizes the fundamental irony of it all.

He is defending a one-seided traditional view of creativity - which is where the irony of his essay lies.

I find the irony of the end result -- Impetus died because the players "suffocated" her, not because they neglected her -- fascinating.

The irony is that this news aggregator is being denied, yet someone could make a game called "Drone Wars" where you operate a drone on missions and Apple would have no problem with it.

The irony of a whistleblower trying to escape from the nobel-prize winning president of the United States being nominated for the nobel prize is, well pricelss.

Ah, the irony of OpenBSD paying for its computers racking up a huge electricity bill using money made by computers racking up huge electricity bills.

The irony of the whole thing is that the flame retardants don't even make furniture any less flammable:"The problem, [the fire expert] argues, is that the standard is based on applying a small flame to a bare piece of foam - a situation unlikely to happen in real life.

So, you see, by mandating these sorts of security compromises, governments have in fact made it easier for foreign governments to steal their own secretsan irony apparently lost on the author of the Indian memo and on the authors of these policies.

Did anyone else catch the irony in Friedman talking about employers that "increasingly dont care how those skills were acquired: home schooling, an online university, a massive open online course, or Yale," then writing an article entirely about two Yale graduates who went to work at McKinsey and Goldman Sachs post-graduation?Last time I checked, McKinsey isn't recruiting at University of Phoenix.

Irony definitions


witty language used to convey insults or scorn; "he used sarcasm to upset his opponent"; "irony is wasted on the stupid"; "Satire is a sort of glass, wherein beholders do generally discover everybody's face but their own"--Jonathan Swift

See also: sarcasm satire


incongruity between what might be expected and what actually occurs; "the irony of Ireland's copying the nation she most hated"


a trope that involves incongruity between what is expected and what occurs