Shard in a sentence as a noun

Ok, so now I have 4 shards, each with 3 repsets + 3 config servers.

Before anyone says you should shard by "site", see my link below.

You can't change the shard cluster size after initially sharding.

I don't have enough experience with MongoDB shard management to comment more.

Pub/Sub is the kind of application where sharding sometimes it is really really easy, just by channel.

DVDs are forbidden, apparently because a shard from one could conceivably be used as a weapon.

The documentation doesn't specify how the data is sharded, and this is quite important.

Say you shard by website, now how do I run a do a union across sets that involve a single user who has posted to 100 different websites?

I talk about this in every single presentation Ive ever given about sharding[0]: do no wait too long to add capacity.

If your processing is something CPU-intensive or your state is large, you'll hit a scaling wall that requires you to manually shard your input across multiple machines.

The probability of a widespread failure wiping out every member of some shard - leading to loss of data or service - approaches one.

Having myself worked with a much larger stream of social media data in Mongo, I can attest that the second you leave the land of a single Mongo server, you have a much bigger problem, sharding.

Back to backfilling and denormalizing tons of data that also needs to be resident in RAM and kept in sync.---I could add more, but I just realized that the linked talk probably spoke about the big sharded Postgres K/V type store that they built.

> Does anyone do anything that would greatly benefit from a connection like thisReplacing optical media with high speed lines would allow some funky new market mechanics like...Games:- Instead of downloading the full 12Gb+ game, simply load levels/textures as needed- Distributed game session hosting where the players temporarily and reliably become the host of a shard- Something like OnLive could be high res/low image compression/ultra low latency- Download 12Gb+ games on a whim and pay as you go for playing it - stop playing/paying for it and the provider can cancel the game's certificate and it gets pulled from the system.

Shard definitions


a broken piece of a brittle artifact

See also: sherd fragment