Fogginess in a sentence as a noun

Note that you will have to bear through the first 1-2 weeks of brain fogginess and low energy as your body adapts to it.

You get over the drowsiness with sheer strength of will and adrenaline, but the fogginess doesn't go away.

I am very fortunate that I only get migraines a couple of times a year so the fogginess was never a real issue.

I did develop some significant fatigue and fogginess and a slight cough, but the complete loss of smell and taste was upsetting.

Vertigo, drowsiness, or a general "fogginess" common side effects some people experience.

From personal experience the head fogginess is a pretty strong indicator of vitamin D deficiency.

There's considerable overlap and general fogginess between the two.

Yeah then explain all of the people with months long symptoms like reduced lung capacity, fogginess, loss of hair, weakness, headaches, and all of these symptoms rotate and coalesce in variant ways.

The diagnosis simply relies on someones subjective feelings of bloating, bowel changes, or mental fogginess after eating gluten

Fogginess definitions


an atmosphere in which visibility is reduced because of a cloud of some substance

See also: murk murkiness


the quality of being indistinct and without sharp outlines

See also: indistinctness softness blurriness fuzziness