Murkiness in a sentence as a noun

I do think it's easy to get the idea that there's extra murkiness here.

I think there are several arguments for "no", but the murkiness is the real catch.

I assume the murkiness comes from the scene, the deepness of the blacks, and the lack of the warmth of sunlight.

But the War on Terror enables them to do exactly that because of its murkiness.

Presenting it as free while still trying to extract value from the recipient is where the ethical murkiness comes in.

The story struck me at first as being interesting but then it seems like there's more murkiness involved and it's not an open-and-shut case.

I think this really comes down to the murkiness in definitions of declarative and imperative.

But there is a murkiness with these types of contests though where one asks for ideas from a community with the promise of rewards for the best ideas.

The murkiness on their own mailing list has definitely been a deterrent from my exploring Clojure more seriously.

It's only now I see the arguments being brought against scalpers that I appreciate the murkiness of the issue when pitched from certain perspectives.

Instead we get handwavy complaints about the murkiness of official statistics and the opacity of numbers.

But at the same time, you'd think someone like Carmack would be aware of the murkiness of using company IP to make something...and then taking that something to another company.

Occassionally, some of it contains real insight, thoughts of depth and value; unfortunately, you have to work really hard to get to them, as they're shrouded by murkiness and vagueness to a degree that's quite astonishing.

Denigrating and dis-empowering those who dispute or ignore the ideal curve becomes the mechanism of activism due to the activist's exhaustion of and the murkiness of the task of looking for the assumed malicious coin re-flippers.

Murkiness definitions


an atmosphere in which visibility is reduced because of a cloud of some substance

See also: fogginess murk


the quality of being cloudy

See also: cloudiness muddiness