Famine in a sentence as a noun

Cultures would reject them until a famine struck.

..yes?For people dying from famine, the hipster nutrition trends are not on the radar.

A famine which killed 1/3rd of the population of Bengal.

First of all, there was no widespread famine in the United States.

Since each person in the 10x network brings in his/her own dealflow, one person's feast can ease another's famine.

You might as well compare terrorists to the Irish potato famine.

As a nine-year-old boy, he witnessed the Bengal famine of 1943, in which three million people perished.

I have to wonder if what drove the numbers wasn't the famine but the demographic transition.

Six million people died in a famine during which food was exported out of Bengal to aid the British war effort.

In the Bengal famine, rural laborers' negative freedom to buy food was not affected.

Or what about the British East India company raising land taxes from 10% to 50% during the great Bengal famine of the 1770s.

In Bengal, for example, food production, while down on the previous year, was higher than in previous non-famine years.

They even share customers... our customer development has revealed that the #1 complaint from freelancers is that it's feast-or-famine.

Are you attempting to imply that because Stalin presided over a terrible famine his political ideals must be flawed?Churchill and friends presided over the Bengal famine of the 1940s.

The number of these new children would almost certainly be higher than the number I originally helped bring out of famine, so at that point there would be just as many if not more starving children than we had to begin with.

Before his intervention, large-scale famine and starvation in India was widely considered inevitable.

Proper Noun Examples for Famine

Sen also argued that the Bengal famine was caused by an urban economic boom that raised food prices, thereby causing millions of rural workers to starve to death when their wages did not keep up.[17] However, this argument has recently been undermined by evidence suggesting significant decline in food availability in the Bengal Famine.

In Poverty and Famines, Sen revealed that in many cases of famine, food supplies were not significantly reduced.

Famine definitions


an acute insufficiency

See also: dearth shortage


a severe shortage of food (as through crop failure) resulting in violent hunger and starvation and death