Nutrition in a sentence as a noun

..yes?For people dying from famine, the hipster nutrition trends are not on the radar.

A world where "the cogs" at least receive proper nutrition would be a step up from today's illusion of choice.

Not taking one side or the other, it's important to note that when it comes to nutrition, we know very little.

Because a lot of people are suffering and dying of poor nutrition and we don't know basic things about what's good and bad for us.

There are a million people who claim they've "overcome" it, some through alcohol or street *****, some through nutrition and lifestyle changes.

That's what equivalent doses are taken to mean in animal models of human nutrition or medicine.

If your political system doesn't see child nutrition as a priority, your political system needs to be burned to the ground.

Right now the factors for what we analyse in nutrition is calories, macro nutrient content, and micronutrient content.

It may be theoretically possible to create some processed food that's on par with the nutrition of whole foods, but I doubt that anyone alive today knows how to do it.

One very tricky problem in studies of human nutrition is that there isn't a good model organism for nutrition and its effect on human health.

When it does, I predict a swift re-evaluation of your ideas about nutrition and self-exceptionalism.

Current research hammers home the idea that we don't yet have a complete and constructive model of nutrition, so why in the heck should I believe a nonspecialist that claims otherwise?

Ioannidis's advice: completely ignore any nutritional "scientific" claims because they are anything but.

I agree with you guys, I just think the reasoning and rationale should be taken in the context of current nutrition research and not some demagogue's book that is obsessed with a dietary aesthetic rather than data.

More relevant questions:- Why don't we stop subsidizing corn so much?- Why don't we teach effective nutrition and cooking in school?- Why don't we teach effective exercise, sports, and fitness in schools?- If we can ban alcohol and tobacco sales to children, why not things like added sugar, hydrogenated oils, corn syrup, etc?- If we can ban alcohol and tobacco advertising to children, why not products with added sugar, hydrogenated oils, corn syrup, etc?- Why don't we limit advertising on fast and junk "food"?- Why don't we provide healthy lunches to school children instead of using them to subsidize agricultural conglomerates for low quality food?- Why don't we stop subsidizing fossil fuels so much so people would walk and ride bikes more?- Why don't we align our medical system with prevention instead of expensive and risky cures?You can come up with plenty more questions that would mostly obviate the need to wonder about obesity and wonder ***** to cure it.

Nutrition definitions


(physiology) the organic process of nourishing or being nourished; the processes by which an organism assimilates food and uses it for growth and maintenance


a source of materials to nourish the body

See also: nutriment nourishment sustenance aliment alimentation victuals


the scientific study of food and drink (especially in humans)