Dosage in a sentence as a noun

You just need to know the machine's dosage and wavelength. The lack of health concern is more than a stab in the dark.

After going up in dosage however it made me feel more like a machine. Then I switched to prozac and have been going strong since.

Try an antidepressant, keep taking it without changing the dosage. try this for at last one year.

He's even developed a metric for monitoring your dosage: If you are having trouble sleeping, cut back on your last cup of the day. From there, he says, "If you drink that much, it's not going to do you any harm, and it might actually help you.

One day she could not move anymore at all, and by sheer coincidence she was lucid at the time despite her heavy morphine dosage. We decided to arrange for another diagnostic stint at the hospital.

So, while the dosage is not immediately lethal to the bee, when applied to many or all in a hive, the effect is disruptive to their cooperative behavior. This would explain why the populations dwindle over time, and the bees don't just drop dead.

To be more precise, there are also badges that are configured to change color once a dose threshold has been breached, and can provide a very precise dosage number if you send it into a lab. At the highest end you also have active dosimeters that can give accurate readings on the spot.

We only need to observe the many patients\n who are forced to periodically increase their dosage if \n they want to concentrate. \n\nThis true but disingenuous at best because it omits perspective in a way that borders on maliciousness.

One thing that a lot of these kinds of articles don't mention is that tolerance effects in ***** tend to be at least somewhat dosage dependent, and there is some evidence that this is the case with caffeine[1]. Look at amphetamines, for example; at large doses they have a large tolerance effect and are highly addictive.

The decision ended up falling on me, and I said yes, the door was closed and the nurse pulled out multiple needles of something, to this day I am not sure what, but it was obviously they were packaged individually for dosage control and he had a handful of them. he slowly injected each into the IV without saying a word and my father slipped away.

Of course one could argue that the pharma is of a consistent manufacture and dosage, whereas one batch of too-strong street opiates could **** someone used to weaker stuff, but the author of this piece seems far too clueless about the subject to be making such distinctions. Then we have comparison of *********'s 'addictiveness' to that of opiates.

Imagine how many people with serious pain in the USA suffer because their doctors are afraid to give them the correct dosage lest they too have their lives destroyed by the DEA? And of course, since the DEA is conducting surveillance, they know the average prescription for given conditions, which, reduced by fear, means that it must continually ratchet lower and lower.

Incidentally, while I was in line, the woman in front of me was purchasing a perscription of antibiotics, which cost $200, but she only had $100, so they only sold her half the dosage! I was shocked a trained pharmacist would be allowed to do this considering the perils of antibiotic resistance, but it's also pretty inhumane to withhold medication.

Because ******* Hydrochloride is readily absorbed from mucous membranes and can cause severe adverse effects, the drug should be used with caution, and careful attention should be given to dosage and administration technique. Repeated topical application of ******* can result in psychic dependence and tolerance."

4 pills every four hours means that in a day you can get 8 grams dosage. Sure, it says "No more than 8", but it's in tiny letters, and most people don't actually realise just how serious the danger is. 16 tablets over the course of the day isn't really what most people think of as a drug overdose for something as "innocent" as tylenol. In addition, some cold medicine has acetaminophen in it, and you might not realize that your cough syrup was contributing to your dosage.

Quote Examples using Dosage

The issue is that organisms can't adapt if the dosage is too high. Usually adapting to a new threat requires, say, a dozen little changes which each improve survival by 5-10%, rather than one monolithic change which improves survival to 100%. Those combinatorics can only work out if most of the bacteria are being destroyed, not if all of them are. Antibiotics are used this way today. Many people cancel an antibiotic regimen when they feel better, and it's a medical disaster when they do: the antibiotics need to be continued to the point of Total Destruction of all bacteria in your body, which will make you feel weaker, simply so that none of them are naturally selected to have one or two of these 5%-resistance genes. The same thing happened with DDT and insects. There was a use of DDT -- spraying inside your house -- which had low environmental impact and which insects could not develop resistance to, because the concentrations stay high. This made it amazing as an antimalarial: mosquitoes just always perch on walls and wait until the night comes before they attack, and we could use this to always give them a lethal dosage.


Dosage definitions


the quantity of an active agent (substance or radiation) taken in or absorbed at any one time

See also: dose


a measured portion of medicine taken at any one time

See also: dose