Disingenuous in a sentence as an adjective

I like 0MQ a lot, but this is disingenuous.

The title and the pitch on the actual site are kind of disingenuous.

My blood boils every time I read it as it is the most disingenuous, calculated, shallow tripe you can trot out when you **** up.

And in this sense, calling ourselves job creators isn't just inaccurate, it's disingenuous.

I mean, why deny something that's so self-evident?His arguments here are just so disingenuous.

Reducing software development practices down to these cute catchphrases is a bit disingenuous.

\n\nThis true but disingenuous at best because it omits perspective in a way that borders on maliciousness.

Is claiming that his "pre-lesson routine" can always be dismissed as two minutes of Googling disingenuous and patently false?

It is completely disingenuous for Ortiz to maintain that 35 years/$1M wasn't the threat on the table, that we are rubes for thinking that this sticker price was material.

However, claiming that anyone who opposes the status quo is simply xenophobic is disingenuous.

It seems disingenuous for this blog to suggest that MacKenzie Bezos's negative review of the Bezos book was part of the same orchestrated spin campaign as the drone story.

Your criticism is hard to parse any other way than that you don't like Google, so whatever they do you find an interpretation of how their behavior is disingenuous and annoying.

They are here to stay and we're now in the business of managing themthere's no getting rid of them entirely and the statement about how humans are spreading them around is a bit disingenuous -- bees are spreading them around just as well.

Maybe it's because I just made the egregious mistake of getting drawn into a gun-control debate with a friend and his friends on Facebook, but hyperbolic arguments by analogy feel really silly, cheap, and disingenuous to me right now...

The claim about it being impossible to verify whether an iOS app was compiled from the original source is disingenuous, as this is rarely done on any platform, but would certainly be possible to do on iOS if the developer cared.- OS X and Windows won't track you.

Disingenuous definitions


not straightforward or candid; giving a false appearance of frankness; "an ambitious, disingenuous, philistine, and hypocritical operator, who...exemplified...the most disagreeable traits of his time"- David Cannadine; "a disingenuous excuse"

See also: artful