Antibiotic in a sentence as a noun

Saving a few cents per pound on meat isn't worth the damage to our antibiotic stock.

The use of antibiotics in food stock should be banned completely.

Wanna give antibiotics to an animal, fine, but now it can't be used for food.

It's time for a global ban on antibiotic use in agriculture.

Oddly enough, I can't find a single reference to farms using antibiotics as a growth enhancer in this article.

"Using antibiotics to promote growth in animals is not a good use of antibiotics.

That's why you have stuff happening all the time like this:"A two-year-old is diagnosed with an inner ear infection and prescribed an antibiotic.

The animals live in disgusting conditions that require antibiotics to keep them viable.

"A: I think we know enough to say that we need to be doing a better job of improving appropriate use of antibiotics in all sectors, humans and animals.

[1]Yes, veterinarians may need to treat animal diseases with antibiotics.

So antibiotics in animal feed aren't usually for protection from infection.

> Dukes believes, though he has no evidence, that the bacteria in his gut became drug-resistant because he ate meat from animals raised with routine antibiotic use.

Her mother understands that her daughter should take the pre- scribed medication twice a day. After carefully studying the label on the bottle and deciding that it doesn’t tell how to take the medicine, she fills a teaspoon and pours the antibiotic into her daughter’s painful ear.

Isn't that the single biggest source of antibiotic-resistant bacteria?

Antibiotic in a sentence as an adjective

Because if you're developing an antibiotic, you want to know that the bacterial version has a sufficiently large evolutionary distance from the human version.

I have quite a bit of a problem with people ordering antibiotics, and breeding antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains both inside their bodies, and in our sewers once they feel better and flush the rest of the pills.

The bacteria susceptible to antibiotics, in turn, have long been under selection pressure to evolve resistance to antiobiotics, as some strains of bacteria did long ago in the wild.

"Q: But the agriculture sector is different, because antibiotics have been used there for a long time with an eye toward improving the growth of the animals, really for food purposes, to make them bigger and fatter with less food.

Actually overall, in vivo animal testing on vaccines, antivirals, and antibiotics are typically quite predictive from animals to humans.

I'm confident that more bacterial lineages will be wiped out before human medicine is seriously compromised by natural selection of bacteria that are resistant to most antibiotics used in human medicine.

I am gravely concerned about the medical and public-health practices in India that have resulted in a massive increase in patients infected there with multiple-antibiotic-resistant tuberculosis.

"A: Certainly the CDC believes quite firmly, and I think there are a number of veterinary experts here and in other places who agree with the stance that we should never be using antibiotics in agriculture or in people for any other purpose than to treat infections.

Great animal data may not mean you'll get such a strong effect in human subjects, and thus the failure rate for these ***** in clinical studies is quite high compared to vaccine and antibiotic human trials, because those vaccines were shown to be ineffective earlier in development.

But props to you for saying "In America," in that statement, because it is plain that in some other parts of the world, where the problem of antibiotic-resistant bacteria is most severe, the main cause of the problem is misuse of antibiotics in human medicine rather than meat production.

It makes sense to me to have lines of defense against transmission of animal-infecting, and especially antibiotic-resistant-animal-infecting, microbes to human beings, by controlling what animals raised as lifestock eat and how they are treated with veterinary medicines.

The use of antibiotics in human medicine has revolutionized several forms of medical treatment and added millions of years of healthy life to humankind's prospects, but use of antibiotics must go hand-in-hand with other forms of infection control to minimize selective sweeps of antibiotic resistance as a trait among most harmful strains of bacteria.

She is a portrait of misery, holding back tears during the exam, profusely apologetic for coming in, this is her first infection in 2 years and she's just in absolute despair because she doesn't want more surgery, and begs for the antibiotic only because the antibiotic-steroid combo, in her experience, hurts more and promises she will got to the ER if she gets a headache.

Antibiotic definitions


a chemical substance derivable from a mold or bacterium that can kill microorganisms and cure bacterial infections; "when antibiotics were first discovered they were called wonder drugs"


of or relating to antibiotic drugs