Disfavour in a sentence as a noun

You're doing a disfavour to all the hard work you've put into Joystick framework. Keep up the effort and try to be positive.

Is the public opinion's balance so much in disfavour of nuclear vs. peace in Europe?

The pressure to say yes comes from the fact that a guard, here, is in a position to dispense favour or disfavour.

In fact, I'd consider this the biggest reason he has come in disfavour with the other ministers.

But I personally think we are doing them a huge disfavour by making them estimate in hours. Because why wouldn’t they expect that to be the norm if that’s what they’ve learned to do?

Anyone not playing Zen mode is doing themselves a huge disfavour. It allows you not to care about your opponents score, nor identity, nor messages.

We do ourselves a disfavour when we don’t identify how liability moves.

And the last two processes seem to disfavour use of nuclear power. A reactor based on nuclear fission is going to be a hard sell in any region that has been affected by one or multiple accidents before.

I'm sure that occurs, but listing it as a primary reason cast the article immediately in disfavour for this reader.

Anyone taking a startup job on a 50-60% of a normal salary without several percent of the shares is doing themselves a massive disfavour. Most of my startup jobs have paid market rate.

Teleworking will favour some and disfavour others. Edit: Your general point is, in my opinion, correct.

If I think advertising is pernicious, and in fact react negatively and with anger to most advertising, am I doing them a horrible disfavour by changing the page to not show those ads? I don't think I am.

Disfavour in a sentence as a verb

Newer words might have put the use of the older form in disfavour, but it can still exist in the language. If something was the same in a language from 15,000 years ago up to 500 years ago, it won't be picked up in Google Translate, which will pick the current vernacular.

You're doing everyone a disfavour giving out full answers or not demanding some homework first, and often, it's really an ego-issue.

Hollywood is doing society a disfavour by misrepresenting the apocalypse. EVs and bicycles are the true modes of transport when trouble starts.

I think this is clearly in Google's disfavour, because people have started to notice and they're actively searching for alternatives to Google in order to avoid it.

If it comforts you to believe that "my victory" is as cynically appreciated as your own, you're doing yourself a disfavour. Just don’t pretend that everything’s nice and happy because everyone agrees I don't.

While Apple are entirely within their rights to keep it proprietary, it is in everyone else's disfavour, particularly their customers.

I think you do yourself, and, whatever religion you may have been indoctrinated into a great disfavour by not actually learning about your faith. Most religions don’t actually forbid ******* anymore than they forbid a lot of other things like wearing leather pants.

One that is generally regarded with disfavour; inveterate. 4.

For example I intuitively think of the reals as transcendentals algebraics or as the completion of the rationals, since I learned counter-intuitive things about the reals that disfavour the "possibly nonterminating decimal" view. paradigm ...

But even if an outcome in Pao's disfavour came down, they would still consider others to have mis-assessed the existing evidence, and would still feel the correct thing for bias-skeptics to do would be to revise their probabilities of institutional bias upwards, albeit perhaps not as much. And there would be nothing irrational or illogical in this.

Monopoly capitalism disfavour workers, restricting it favours them.

Disfavour definitions


the state of being out of favor; "he is in disfavor with the king"

See also: disfavor


an inclination to withhold approval from some person or group

See also: disfavor dislike disapproval


put at a disadvantage; hinder, harm; "This rule clearly disadvantages me"

See also: disadvantage disfavor