Dislike in a sentence as a noun

But of course you are free to like it or dislike it, no hard feelings either which way.

People who don't cheat, tend to strongly dislike people who do. People who do cheat, convince themselves that everyone does it, and it isn't a big detail.

I really dislike what Microsoft does, especially what they are doing now with Windows 8. But today, the cost of switching to Linux is too high.

I dislike long hours not because I dislike what I do at work, but because my life is more than my work. I have other passions, hobbies, people, other things I want to be able to commit to.

Every time it happens, I dislike them more, and become more resistant to creating an account. I now think of it as a site for other people, who are willing to put up with the stuff they do.

Oh, and I don't particularly dislike working. I'm a well paid highly skilled engineer building cool things for a fantastic .

It causes confusion and frustration, and is obviously an issue that a lot of people dislike. I don't care about prime numbers, this article was all about the visualization to me.

I really, really dislike how much hate there is in this thread. I feel like someone always ends up making similar comments every time there's a new launch from Apple/Microsoft/Google/whomever, and there is never any change.

Dislike in a sentence as a verb

It is almost like taking from the vault of a charity that you dislike and giving the proceeds to your charity of choice. Its less atrocious than pocketing the money and buying an iPad, but obviously still bad.

Yes, I just really dislike facebook, so I hate to see them aquiring something i was really excited about. Also from the article: > After games, we're going to make Oculus a platform for many other experiences.

What I dislike the most about Airbnb's whole controversial business model, is how the true innovation they did was bypassing laws. As property listing sites go, Airbnb did not produce any true innovation.

I dislike this implementation for a number of reasons. * From the non-profits perspective, re-occuring and emotionally invested donations are much more valuable than a one off big shot of money.

V8 devs have personally told me they dislike documenting certain aspects of V8 and its internals because they fear that end-users and developers will rely on those internals. They lean towards occasional blog posts and Google IO presentation videos to pick up the slack.

There are other market forces at work, such as the preference of many students and their parents for students to be grouped with those of a similar age--- and the dislike of many parents for their students to be seen as "behind". There are also administrative/cost problems with individual attention that weigh in favor of uniformity.

The DBAs and operations people I know dislike or even hate MongoDB, often for valid reasons that 10gen should address such as the as-yet-unfixed 'write lock' issue, code instability and inaccurate/misleading documentation. 10gen has done a great job at evangelizing to developers and making features that developers love.

Besides the issues it causes for employers that this article covers, I really dislike the power dynamics that it causes for the customers: but maybe not in the way you would think. While the customer may be financially powerful in the relationship, I feel that tipping culture gives power to the server to withhold good service as a punishment or as an optimization strategy at their own discretion.

Dislike definitions


an inclination to withhold approval from some person or group

See also: disfavor disfavour disapproval


a feeling of aversion or antipathy; "my dislike of him was instinctive"


have or feel a dislike or distaste for; "I really dislike this salesman"