Disapproval in a sentence as a noun

Learn to draw strength from within, and not to depend so much on external cues of approval or disapproval. Because guess what?

And publicly expressed his disapproval of it. The future may be bright, but I suspect Mr. Armstrong missed the future he would've wanted.

If you're merely tut-tutting with disapproval however I simply disagree. Wanting a world where people never get their feelings hurt is a fruitless quest.

People who express strong disapproval via email are vigilantes now? My goodness, back in my day that term meant something a bit stronger than vocal disagreement.

Shunning is a healthy, grassroots, social expression of disapproval. It is right and fair that people should express their opinions via economic choices.

I can't help but feel that the author has a grudge against Sal Khan which motivates his writing as much as his disapproval of Khan's teaching strategy.

I will no longer be reading Larry's blog if he thinks this kind of flighty and ostentatious display of disapproval is warranted.

It's clear from voting patterns that many if not most users vote not to express approval or disapproval, but to cause the comment to have what they believe is an appropriate number of points. If I didn't display points, people couldn't do that.

They're a small company who made a mobile game, and they're voicing their disapproval peacefully. Calling this 'oppression' is pretty melodramatic.

Opposing this, instead of a blanket disapproval of H-1B program as a whole, looks to be a more tactically sounder approach. The employers who are asking for H-1Bs as a form of cheap labour will oppose this, showing their true colors.

Running away without expressing disapproval is cowardly; if I were with my family, I would give the guy fair warning, then rush him for being predatory.

In other words, if you redistribute stuff without permission, it's generally not that heinous, but if you take credit for it too, you'll get severe looks of disapproval.

And if indeed it is the businesses's prerogative to do this or that, certainly consumers have at least the right to voice their disapproval. I really would like to stop hearing the whine "but they have a right to do X" every time a business's practices are criticized here on HN.

In my experience, "patience, correction, explanation, and an outpouring of civilly-worded disapproval" are often not enough. Frequently, these methods do nothing more than increase stress and waste time.

If people aren't talking about it, the chance of doing anything about it and expressing mass disapproval is significantly reduced. Maybe nothing will happen this time either, but a lot of people are angry about it at the same time, and finally talking about it en masse, and I don't see that as anything but a great thing.

Far too many people are relying on reddit as a news source nowadays, and thanks to the upvote/downvote system, all it takes is 51% disapproval for an article to virtually disappear. Since everyone uses the downvote button to say "i dont like this content" rather than "this content isnt good/isnt relevant", you get lots of wonderful skews.

Judging a single action as neutral or useful does not preclude disapproving of the actor in general, and general disapproval should not preclude viewing specific actions neutrally and in context.

I stopped contributing when it became clear that Google thought small businesses should be denied any customer service - you really can't have third parties answering questions about why Google isn't accepting a specific credit card, or even why a specific disapproval has been given in an account you can't see. That was pure arrogance - dumping on volunteers and crapping on small businesses.

While some people are voicing their disapproval, I think this is more than enough on Google's side. It seems ridiculous to assume a for-profit company that has to answer to shareholders would shut down completely for the day, however the fact that both their homepage as well as the logo on all search result pages link to a detailed explanation that your average user should understand is more than enough.

One of the easiest and most powerful actions you can take to change attitudes towards acceptable behaviour in a community is, unsurprisingly, to immediately express disapproval whenever undesirable behaviour happens in your presence. It's Frown Power. It's effective. Sqoot engaged in some pretty ******-y sexism in the e-presence of thousands of people, and thousands of people are expressing disapproval back at them.

Disapproval definitions


a feeling of disliking something or what someone is doing


the expression of disapproval


an inclination to withhold approval from some person or group

See also: disfavor disfavour dislike


the act of disapproving or condemning